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Swing and a Kiss: Carolina Waves Series Book 4 Page 19

  Her eyes widened. “Really?”

  “Yeah, I realize you probably can’t tape the entire thing but even if you got when he bats and pitches.”

  “Sure, I can do that.”

  “Great. He was trying to describe something to me today and I gave him the best advice I could but if I could actually see what he’s doing I could be more helpful.”

  “Okay, we’ll just have to figure out how I can transfer them to you.”

  “Now that that’s taken care of, how was your day?”

  Karen told me about her day then I ended the call before she fell asleep. It’s one-thirty on the East Coast and she’s had a long day, plus she has to get up early and do it all again tomorrow.

  Closing my computer, I rolled over and stared at the ceiling.

  It’s been five days since I chickened out and whispered I love you to Karen while she was asleep. I hadn’t meant to do it that way, it just came out. But since then, there hasn’t been a good moment to repeat it.

  We’d woken up late that day and had just enough time to get dressed and pick Jeremy up from school. After dinner, we hung out for a while, then they dropped me off at the airport. And it’s not something I want her to hear for the first time over FaceTime.

  I won’t see her in person again for a few weeks when she and Jeremy come to stay with me in Myrtle Beach. I’ll have to keep those words to myself until then.


  * * *

  “So when are you going to see your guy in person again?” Chloe asked.

  “Not until the end of the month when we go up to Myrtle Beach.”

  The Waves are in Colorado finishing their time out west before heading home for four games. Then they’re away again for a week, first to Boston then New York. After that, they have an eight-day home stretch before heading to Chicago then Texas.

  I don’t know how Dale handles this schedule. I’m exhausted just following it, never mind living it.

  “How are you holding up?”

  “I miss being with him, but we FaceTime every day, which is better than nothing.” I tucked my feet up onto the couch. “I’ll admit, all the years I watched baseball, I never thought about how stressful the schedule is for the players and their families.”

  “It’s probably easier if they live wherever their team is based. Then at least they’re together when they play at home.”


  “What are your plans if this thing between you guys keeps moving forward? Would you move up there with him?”

  “I can’t even think that far ahead. Besides, he doesn’t live in Myrtle Beach all year. He’s in Aspen during the off season. Jeremy and I couldn’t do that. We need some stability. I have my job and he has school and sports.” I shook my head. “I’m getting ahead of myself here. We’re a long way away from worrying about who’s going to live where.”

  “Have you seen the way that man looks at you?” She raised her brow. “Or the way you look at him?”

  “Regardless, we’ve only been together for a short time. I’m not going to waste my time figuring it all out when it might not even happen.”

  She was about to say something else when Jeremy came back into the room. We got home from his game just in time for him to shower and catch the Waves game. He helped himself to two slices of pizza and settled in on the couch next to Chloe. Picking up the remote, he turned up the volume.

  This game flew by. At the top of the eighth inning, there was still no score.

  “What a pitcher’s duel,” Jeremy said. “But now they’ll probably put their relief pitchers in. It’ll be interesting to see if they do as well.”

  I looked over at my son with wide eyes. He sounded like a professional announcer. Of course, he watches enough games and really pays attention to pick things up. Plus I have to remember that he’s a teenager now, not a little boy.

  Blinking away tears at the bittersweet thought of Jeremy growing up, I stood.

  “I’ll put this in the refrigerator if you’re done.”

  He looked at the pizza, seemingly deep in thought. “I’ll have one more.”

  I dropped a slice on his plate then closed the box and carried it to the kitchen. After finding a spot for it in the refrigerator, I washed my hands and looked out the window as I dried them.

  Chloe came up behind me and squeezed my shoulder.

  “I know, it’s weird when he opens his mouth and an adult speaks.”

  She opened the refrigerator and filled her glass with sweet tea. I just nodded, trying to

  swallow the lump in my throat.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked. “All of a sudden you look like you’re ready to cry.”

  I looked into the living room to make sure Jeremy wasn’t paying attention to us. He was happily eating his pizza with his eyes glued to the TV so I figured I’d share my thoughts with Chloe. She’s been with me through the good and the bad. And even though the bad times are few and far between at this point, every once in a while something triggers them. Often it’s something silly, like my son sounding like a grownup. The last time it was watching Jeremy and Dale play catch.

  Wiping away the tear that had escaped, I said, “Jason should be here for all this.”

  She wrapped her arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

  “Yes, he should, but a cruel twist of fate and a dickhead drunk driver took him away.”

  I pulled back and looked her in the eye, voicing my biggest fear.

  “I’m afraid I’m forgetting him. That Jeremy is forgetting him. And that’s not right.”

  “Kar, you’re not. He’s always here with both of you. Just because you’re moving on and not spending every waking moment thinking about Jason doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten him.” She looked up at the ceiling and shook her head before meeting my gaze again. “I didn’t mean to freak you out with all the talk of moving forward with Dale. I just thought that if we discussed it, you wouldn’t run scared when he brings it up.”

  I was about to say that she doesn’t know he will bring it up when Jeremy yelled, “Mom, Monte is up to bat.”

  Chloe hugged me again and kissed me on the cheek.

  “Come on, let’s go watch your hot baseball player hit. Because we’re lucky enough to be alive and that man has a fine ass.”

  I chuckled and followed her back into the living room, some of my melancholy lifted. She’s right on both counts. We are lucky to be alive and Dale definitely has a fine ass.

  Chapter 26


  * * *

  I paced back and forth at the gate, watching the boards, making sure their flight was still landing on time. It seemed like this day would never come but finally Karen and Jeremy are arriving and will be here for the next two weeks. I’ll only be here for eight of those days, but I’m thrilled she took me up on my invitation to stay longer. I want her to be comfortable in my home and the only way that will happen is if she spends time here.

  Since I’ve been at the gate, a few people approached to either shake my hand, ask for an autograph, or take a selfie with me. But for the past few minutes I’ve just been impatiently waiting. Finally I heard the announcement that their plane landed.

  Even though Karen had initially protested, I’d purchased their tickets, rationalizing with her that they were coming to see me so it made sense for me to pay. And I put them in first class so they should be some of the first people walking through the gate.

  I’m tall enough to see and be seen over the small crowd so I stood toward the back. An older couple emerged followed by an airport employee pushing an elderly man in a wheelchair. Then I saw them. My heart skipped a beat then pounded as I watched first Jeremy then Karen emerge through the tunnel and walk toward me. Jeremy reached my side first and I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, giving him a hug.

  “This is awesome. Thanks for inviting us, Monte.”

  “I’m so happy you’re here,” I said before pulling Karen into my arms and giving her a quick ki
ss. It wasn’t nearly enough but would have to do for now. Taking her bag, I asked, “Do you have any checked bags?”

  “Nope, just our carry-ons.”

  “That’s pretty impressive for two weeks.”

  I held her hand as we walked through the airport toward the parking lot.

  “We each have enough for at least a week. I’d rather wash clothes than lug a bunch with me.” She smiled up at me. “Plus I think you have stores here if we need anything, right?”

  “Last time I checked.” I chuckled and pulled her close to kiss the top of her head.

  We piled into the truck and headed toward my house. Traffic was heavy so the ride took a little longer than usual, but it doesn’t matter now that Karen and Jeremy are with me.

  “The weather is supposed to be nice this week. I know both Sabrina and Barbara are planning get-togethers. And you know my game schedule, but I’m yours whenever I don’t have to be at the field.”

  “Do we get to go to all the games?”

  I stopped at a red light and glanced back at Jeremy through the rearview mirror.

  “Absolutely if you want to. Hannah has seats saved for both of you.”

  As much as I love it when she’s at my games, I’m not sure Karen wants to spend half of her vacation sitting at the stadium. But we can work that out.

  We turned off the main road and it was only a few more blocks to my house. The garage door opened as I approached and Karen looked over at me. I pointed to the small sensor mounted on the dashboard toward the windshield.

  “That triggers the door to open when I approach.”

  “Because pushing a button on a remote is such hard work.” She rolled her eyes and chuckled.

  I pulled into the garage and turned off the truck.

  Shifting in my seat to look at her, I said, “I actually got that because Penny broke the remote for the door opener and she had issues with the app. So it seemed like a good solution.” Giving her a quick kiss, I added, “But now that I have it, I’m kind of spoiled. I’d probably run right through the garage door if it didn’t automatically open for me.”

  I stepped down and closed the door behind me. Karen was at my side before I could go help her out. Jeremy had already hopped out of the truck and was looking around the three-car garage. The middle stall where Penny parks when she’s here is empty but my Mercedes is in the other one.

  “That car is awesome!”

  “Unfortunately it only has two seats so we won’t be able to take it when the three of us go out, but you and your mom can have fun in it after I hit the road.”

  Karen made a choking noise and looked up at me.

  “I can’t drive that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it probably cost more than my house.”

  I chuckled and wrapped my arm around her waist.

  “Well it’s either that or the truck. Take your pick.” I kissed her cheek. “If it tips the scales at all, the Mercedes is a convertible.”

  “That’s even more awesome,” Jeremy said.

  Keeping my arm around Karen’s waist, I led her to the door and through to the lower level. Jeremy took one last look around then followed.

  Other than the bedroom and bathroom, the downstairs is one large room.

  “Penny calls this the man cave, which is pretty funny since she spends more time down here than I do.”

  At least she used to. Now she stays with Kenny.

  Jeremy was happy to see the Playstation and even though he’d probably rather stream whatever he’s watching, I pointed out the DVDs too.

  I led them upstairs and Karen gasped as we stepped into the living room.

  “Dale, that view is amazing.”

  The open-concept is continued up here and the living room and dining room flow into each other, with the kitchen separated by a breakfast bar. The view from the floor to ceiling windows is visible from anywhere in the room. I opened the sliding glass door and the sound of the ocean filled the space.

  I followed them out onto the deck. Karen leaned against the railing and looked out at the horizon.

  “You’ll probably be more interested in this,” I said to Jeremy and he followed me to the other side of the deck.

  He looked down at the pool area then back at me with a big smile on his face.

  “Can I use that?”

  “Absolutely. I put it there for you so you can practice while you’re here if you want.”

  I’d put up a pitching net and target. I also borrowed a portable mound from Cal. He had an extra at the training facility he and Dan opened that he was willing to share.

  “There’s a tee and two buckets of balls in the garage.”

  “Thanks Monte.”

  Karen looked like she was blinking back tears when she joined us to see what we were talking about. I smiled at her and held out my hand.

  “Come on, I’ll show you your rooms.”

  Jeremy was thrilled with his, which is right near the stairs leading to the lower level. Of course, I put Karen in the room directly next to mine. I’m keeping things all proper setting her up in her own room, but with Jeremy either on the other side of the house or downstairs, hopefully we’ll be able to sneak in some sexy time.

  After putting Karen’s bag in her room, we went onto the deck while Jeremy got familiar with the entertainment system downstairs. We’re going out for dinner a little later, but for now we’re just relaxing.

  I sat on the rattan sofa then pulled her onto my lap. Wrapping my arms around her, I shifted her closer and brushed my lips against hers once, twice before pressing my open mouth against hers and kissing her the way I’d wanted to when I first saw her at the airport. Deeply. Desperately.

  She twisted her fingers into my scalp, holding me in place. Not that I was going anywhere. It seems like forever since we’ve been together and I’d love nothing more than to bury myself inside her, but this isn’t the time or the place.

  I slowly ended the kiss and shifted her onto the cushion next to me.

  “I missed you so much.”

  I tucked her hair behind her ear then dragged my index finger down her cheek. She shivered at that simple touch.

  “I missed you too.” She rested her head on my shoulder and took in a deep breath. “Dale, this house is gorgeous. It's so homey and comfortable. I love it.”

  “I’m glad.” I kissed the top of her head. “Because I hope you and Jeremy will be spending a lot of time here.”


  * * *

  Eight amazing days have flown by and Dale will be leaving for Chicago in the morning. Besides Saturday when we arrived, he’s had games every day, but we’ve still managed to do a lot together. Jeremy has been in heaven hanging out at First Allegiant Bank Park. Lexi has shown him around the whole stadium and just attending all the games is a treat for him.

  Today’s game was in the afternoon and afterward we went to Cal and Barbara’s for dinner. I just met Barbara this week, but she’s as welcoming as Sabrina and Hannah and we became fast friends.

  Now I’m relaxing on the deck while both Dale and Jeremy went to shower. They’d gotten all sandy playing beach volleyball.

  “Mind if I join you?”

  I looked up and found Dale looking deliciously sexy wearing just a pair of basketball shorts low on his hips. Patting the couch, I smiled.


  He settled in next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me to his side. I settled my cheek on his chest enjoying his fresh-from-the-shower scent. It’s amazing how even surrounded by the ocean, he smells like fresh mountain air.

  “I peeked in on Jeremy on my way out here and he’s already asleep. Like, dead to the world asleep with the remote still in his hand.”

  “He’s always been like that. He goes and goes then just crashes.”

  Dale shifted and pulled me closer then kissed the top of my head. We sat like that for a long while, just listening to the sound of the waves. His thumb traced a laz
y pattern on my arm and I snuggled in and just enjoyed being with him.

  I have no idea how long we stayed like that before he spoke.

  “This has been such a spectacular week.”

  Pulling back just enough to look him in the eye, I said, “Yes it has. Thank you so much for inviting us.”

  “Hopefully you won’t need to be invited going forward.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “Hopefully you’ll feel comfortable enough to come here whenever you can.” After placing his mouth on mine and giving me a slow, lingering kiss, he pulled back. “I like you in my space. And even though I’ll be away next week, I’ll be happy knowing you’re still here.”

  “It’s going to be different without you.”

  His playful smile nearly melted my panties off.

  “You’ll be so busy, you won’t even notice I’m gone.”

  “With what Sabrina, Hannah, and Barbara have planned I’ll definitely be busy. But I will also most definitely notice you’re gone. I’m going to miss you so much.”

  My voice cracked on the last word and I cleared my throat. I want to enjoy our last night together, not sit here pouting because he has to go.

  Dale shifted to face me and took my hand in his, looking down to watch as his thumb traced back and forth over my knuckles. After taking in a breath and slowly letting it out, his eyes met mine and in them I saw everything I could have if I just let myself take it.

  This man. This life.

  He must have read the understanding in my gaze because the corners of his mouth curled up into an adorable smile.

  “I love you.” He let out a relieved breath. “I’ve wanted to say that for weeks now, but it was never the right time. I’m not sure now is either, but I couldn’t keep the words inside anymore. I love you.”

  I stared at him with wide eyes, unable to move or speak. This feels like a dream.

  “Karen? Baby?” I blinked, bringing him into focus. “I know I’ve always been a few steps ahead of you in this relationship so I understand—”