Swing and a Kiss: Carolina Waves Series Book 4 Page 21
“Hey, I have a great idea,” Chloe said. “Why doesn’t Jeremy hang out with Hope and me tonight and you can meet us for lunch tomorrow and drop your bags off at the apartment so we don’t have to lug them to the game.”
Jeremy looked from Chloe to Karen and smiled. This must be what they were discussing. And I have to say, I approve. I love Jeremy and having him around is never a hardship, but Karen and I haven’t been together in weeks. I had high hopes last night but after uttering the sweetest words, she conked out. I’d carried her to her room and tucked her in so she’d get a good night’s sleep.
Since they’re flying home tomorrow after the game, tonight is my last chance to get her naked until I’m in Tampa in a couple weeks. We can make it work once Jeremy goes to bed, but this way, we won’t have to wait.
“He doesn’t have any clothes with him.”
“He’s going to sleep and you’ll be over with his bag tomorrow,” Chloe said.
Karen looked at Jeremy, who was smiling at her with pleading eyes.
“Okay. If you want to.”
“Yes!” Jeremy said. “Thanks Mom.”
Once that was settled, Hope looked over at her DJ friend and nodded. Once the song that was playing ended, he picked up the microphone.
“We have a celebration happening tonight,” he said. “I’ve been told we have a perfect storm happening here in our fine city and to mark the occasion, I was asked to play a special song.” He looked over at our table, “Hope, Chloe, and Karen, come on up and show us what you’ve got.”
Chloe and Hope jumped up but Karen sat rooted to her seat.
“What did you do?” she asked her friends.
Chloe grabbed her hand and pulled her up. She looked back at me as she was dragged toward the DJ and handed a microphone.
“Karen always says the way we interact reminds her of her friends and I definitely see it,” Jack said.
“They’re a lot of fun,” Dan said. “I’m glad you talked us into coming with you guys tonight. I wouldn’t have wanted to miss this.”
The ladies were handed microphones as the beginning notes of Put Your Records On by Corinne Bailey Rae started to play. Karen looked like she wanted to strangle her friends at first, but by the end of the song, she was laughing as the three of them sang in perfect harmony.
“This is their favorite song,” Jeremy said. “They have a dance too but there’s not enough room here for them to do it.”
Good to know. Maybe I’ll be able to convince Karen to give me a private show sometime.
I kept my gaze glued to her as she belted out the words, a big smile on her face. She definitely seems happier these days. When we first met, she had an undertone of melancholy. I didn’t know her whole story at the time, but even then, it was obvious she’d experienced some kind of tragedy.
But now that veil of sadness seems to be gone, for the most part anyway. Logically I know that’s just because time is dulling the pain of her loss, but I like to think I have at least something to do with the fact that she smiles more these days.
We paid the check and left the restaurant shortly after their performance. Hanley walked with Chloe, Hope, and Jeremy to Hope’s apartment since it’s on the way to his. Dan, Jack, Karen, and me called the car service to pick us up and take us back to the hotel.
Our floor was first so we said our goodbyes and got off the elevator. No one was in the hallway so as soon as the doors closed behind us, I leaned down and tossed her over my shoulder.
“Dale!” she screeched.
We both laughed as I practically ran to our room. I fumbled with the keycard then opened the door and slammed it shut behind us before setting her back on her feet.
Karen’s smile faded as I looked deeply into her blue eyes and backed her against the door. Pinning her against it with my body, I rubbed my erection into her hip and pressed my open mouth against her neck, licking and sucking my way down one side and up the other before whispering in her ear.
“I’ve missed you. It’s been too fucking long since I’ve touched you.”
She moaned low in her throat and wrapped her arms around my neck. My mouth met hers and there was nothing soft or sweet about the kiss. As soon as our lips touched, it was hot and wild and sexy as hell.
I grabbed her ass and she wrapped her legs around my waist. She writhed as I thrust against her again and again, putting me too close to the edge. Based on her breathy moans, she’s right there, too.
Before I embarrass myself by exploding in my pants, I eased my grip and set her back on the floor, holding her waist while she gained her balance. I unbuttoned her shorts, slid the zipper open, and shoved them down her thighs. Her panties quickly followed. I looked down and admired what I’d uncovered.
I dragged my finger through the glistening wetness on her trimmed blonde curls.
“Mmm, so wet for me. I love it.” I lowered my head and she curled her fingers into my hair and met me stroke for stroke as I took her mouth in a tongue-tangling kiss before pulling back. “I love you. So much.”
I pulled her T-shirt over her head, tossed it to the floor, then reached around to open her bra and added it to the pile. Lowering my head, I licked one nipple then the other, moving back and forth before settling in on one side. When I drew her into my mouth and sucked hard, she arched and reached her hands under my shirt then scratched her nails down my bare back. One of her hands continued down to squeeze my ass before continuing around to cup the front of my tented shorts.
Since I was distracted with her breasts, I didn’t notice when her dexterous fingers opened my shorts until she reached in to wrap her fingers around my cock. I let out a strangled groan as she pumped up and down then drew slow circles around the head with her thumb nearly making me blow.
I backed away and tore off my clothes before reaching out to cup her bottom in my hands again and lift her against the door. Covering her mouth with mine, I buried myself inside her completely with one thrust, groaning at the sense of homecoming that washed over me.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and held tight as I rocked against her, pressing as high and hard as I could. With each stroke she tightened around me until I didn’t think I could take it anymore.
Without losing my rhythm, I dragged my mouth from hers and looked into her hooded eyes.
“I can’t hold on much longer.”
I pumped harder and faster, barely holding back my release. She closed her eyes and dropped her head back against the door as she let out a long groan. I lowered my head and licked at the pulse beating wildly at the base of the throat and felt the first gentle quivers at the tip of my dick. Squeezing her ass, I angled her forward slightly, increasing the pressure on her clit.
That did it. She tightened her legs around my waist and dug her fingers into my shoulders as her inner muscles milked me dry.
I pressed her against the door, holding her tight as I fought to catch my breath. Once my legs felt stable again, I shifted her up, walked her to my bedroom, and placed her gently on the bed.
Leaning down, I kissed her forehead. “I’ll be right back.”
I went into the bathroom and cleaned myself off then wet a washcloth with warm water and returned to Karen to do the same for her. This is something new for me, too. I’ve never never had sex without a condom before that night in Myrtle Beach.
Through the years, there have been women I’ve spent a lot of time with who told me they were on birth control, but I never trusted them enough to not use my own. Besides the potential for disease, I was always afraid of pregnancy. While a baby wouldn’t have been the worst thing to happen, being tied to some of those women for the rest of my life would be.
Shoving away the thoughts of my shallow past, I concentrated on what I was doing. Karen watched with sleepy eyes as I completed the task. Climbing into bed next to her, I tossed the washcloth toward the bathroom where it landed on the tile floor with a splat.
Pulling her into my arms, I rolled onto my side, taking her with
me, until I was spooning her from behind.
“I love you.”
“Mmm, I love you, too.”
Closing my eyes, I fell into a deep sleep with her sweet vanilla scent surrounding me.
Chapter 29
It’s been a long first half of the season, or maybe it just feels that way. Juggling a relationship with my crazy schedule takes more mental energy than I would have thought, but it’s definitely worth it. And thankfully Karen has been great about working with me even though, as a single working mom, she has a full schedule of her own.
Standing with my feet shoulder-width apart, I slowly twisted from side to side to loosen my back. I looked up into the stands but didn’t see Karen or Jeremy. Bending forward, I placed my palms flat against the grass then walked them out and held a plank before reversing the motion and standing again.
“So you’re meeting the parents today, huh?”
I looked at Dan standing across from me.
“Yep.” I chuckled. “There’s a first time for everything, right?”
“Just be grateful her father isn’t Mac Flynn. I know that’s just a character my father-in-law plays but Aaran still made my balls retreat when he warned me to be good to Hannah, leaving the or else unsaid.” Jack gave an exaggerated shiver.
“There is that,” I said. “But I’m actually looking forward to meeting them. It means our relationship is moving forward.”
“With you married and you in a committed relationship, I’m convinced hell has frozen over,” Dan said looking at us in turn.
“My first date with Karen was four months ago today.”
I know I have a sappy smile on my face but I don’t even care if they bust my ass about it. I’m too happy to care.
We finished stretching and headed toward the dugout. Karen had told me they might not make it for the start of the game so I didn’t get concerned when the first pitch was thrown and I still didn’t see them in the stands.
Our first three batters got out so I grabbed my glove and ran out to first base and shifted my focus to the game. Rusty took the mound and after getting ahead with two quick strikes, gave up a little excuse-me hit that rolled so slow, no matter how fast Jimmy Chavez charged it or how hard he fired it to me, the runner was safe.
The next batter hit a one hopper right to me. I snagged it then pivoted and tossed the ball to second then got out of the way as Jack threw the ball to Rusty, who ran over to cover first base for a 3-6-1 double play. The next batter struck out to end the first inning. As I ran off the field, I spotted Karen and Jeremy and a man and woman I assume to be her parents sitting in the stands. I smiled up at them and waved before stepping into the dugout.
I stood in the on-deck circle and looked up at Karen and her family. Her father looked happy listening to Jeremy animatedly talk about something. But her mother looked less than thrilled to be here. Whether that’s because she’s not a fan of baseball or not a fan of me I’m not sure, but either way, I can’t worry about it now. I have a game to concentrate on.
We’re behind by two runs here in the seventh and we need to start making things happen. After Riddle struck out, Kasprzyk went deep into the count then managed to sneak a ground ball between short and third for a single.
I stepped up to the plate and took a called first strike. The next pitch came right at my shoulder and I couldn’t get totally out of the way. It got me in my upper arm and I took my base. I have no idea what’s going on but the precedent was set in spring training and I continue to get hit by pitches. It’s insane. But it gives us runners on first and second with one out so I can’t complain.
After the pitcher settled onto the mound, I took a step and a half toward second. Kasprzyk took a few steps toward third. I caught sight of Karen’s mother staring down at me and shook my head to tune her out. I don’t want to get picked off because I’m not focusing.
Thankfully I’d gotten my head back in the game because Chavez hit a line drive over the third baseman’s head. They stopped Kasprzyk at third, not willing to test the left-fielder’s arm, so that stopped me at second.
Shawn Riggs stepped up to the plate and fouled off the first two pitches. After that, he took two balls in the dirt. The next pitch was a hanging curveball. Riggs timed it perfectly and sent a no-doubt-about-it shot out into the left field stands for a grand slam.
As I rounded third, I saw Karen and Jeremy on their feet cheering. I’m still not totally used to the warm feeling they trigger in my chest and I rubbed my hand over it then smiled up at them as I crossed the plate.
I ran out to my position in the bottom of the ninth, thankful this game is almost over. We’ve managed to hold onto the two-run lead Riggs’s homerun had given us. And thankfully our closer, Malik Walters was throwing triple digits. Tampa’s hitters just couldn’t catch up. He struck three batters out with nine pitches.
So we’re walking out of here with another win on the books. Now I just have to get cleaned up and meet Karen’s parents so hopefully I can score a win there, too.
Dale had booked a table in one of the private alcoves at Gianni’s.
Jeremy and I rode with my parents and he’s meeting us here. Then we’ll get a ride home with him.
The waitress had just filled our water glasses when Dale arrived.
“Sorry I’m late.” He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss then hugged Jeremy.
Walking around the table, held out his hand to shake my mother’s then my father’s. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Jenkins, Mr. Jenkins.”
My mother just offered a small smile in return. I have no idea what her issue is but I’ve warned her through the whole game that she better behave during this dinner. She doesn’t have to love Dale like I do, but she does have to be polite.
“It’s nice to meet you, too.” My father stood and shook his hand. “I’ve certainly heard a lot about you from Jeremy. He’s definitely a fan of yours.”
“I’m a fan of his, too.”
Dale smiled at Jeremy as he sat between us.
My mother watched their interaction, her lips in a thin straight line. I’ve told him that my mother isn’t quite sure about us dating. Hopefully he’ll charm her the way he did me.
The waitress came back to recite the specials and placed two baskets of bread in the middle of the table along with the seasoned olive oil. Dale looked at me, then my mom and dad.
“Do you want to order a bunch of appetizers for the table? They’re all delicious and we’ll be able to sample them all.”
“That sounds like a great plan,” my dad said.
Dale rattled off a list of appetizers without looking at the menu.
When the waitress left, he tilted his head toward Jeremy and said, “One of those fried mozarellas is for you. I know how much you like it.”
“Thanks Monte.”
“And this bread is amazing.”
Picking up the basket, Dale held it out toward Jeremy and me to take a slice before he took one. My father followed his lead picking up the basket and holding it out to my mother but she shook her head. He shrugged and took a slice before placing the basket back on the table.
“How’s your shoulder, Monte?” Jeremy asked.
“It’s a little sore right now but it’ll be better tomorrow. You know how it is. You’ve been hit by pitches before.”
“I’ve never been hit with a ninety-eight-mile-an-hour fastball.” Jeremy laughed. “Is there a bruise yet? Can you see the stitches?”
Dale pulled up the sleeve of his polo shirt revealing a bright purple bruise on the top of his arm and the curve of his shoulder. And yes, you can see the stitches.
My mother’s eyes widened. “Will you be able to play with that?”
I think they’re the first words she said directly to Dale up to this point.
He nodded. “It’s just a bruise. The trainer made me put ice on it right after the game so that helped control some of the swelling. That’s what took me so long to get here. I had to kee
p the ice pack on for fifteen minutes.”
“It looks so painful,” she added.
“I think it looks worse than it feels. That or I’m just getting used to it. For some reason, I keep getting hit this season.”
That led to Jeremy telling my parents about all the times Dale has been hit by the ball this season.
After the waitress brought out the appetizers and took our orders, Dale said, “Okay, enough talk about me.” He looked at my father. “Mr. Jenkins, Jeremy tells me you’re a great golfer,” Dale said. “Maybe you can tell me your secret because my game is pretty pathetic.”
I enjoyed a sampling of the food while my father, Jeremy, and Dale discussed golf. My dad was thrilled when Jeremy showed interest in the game because neither my brother nor I like to play. Jason used to fill in if my dad needed a fourth player, but it wasn’t his favorite game either. But so far Jeremy likes it so my dad takes him out either to the driving range or to play a round whenever he can.
Once there was a break in the conversation, my mother pounced.
“So Dale, do you have any children?”
“Nope, no children.”
“Have you ever been married?”
“A man your age must have had some serious relationships through the years.”
I shot my mother a warning look but she ignored me. Dale squeezed my hand, letting me know it was okay.
“Not really,” he said. “I never met anyone I wanted a serious relationship with until now.”
My mother is very computer literate and I have no doubt she’s Googled Dale and knows all about his dating history. Hell, she probably knows his social security number, blood type, and mother’s maiden name.
She raised her eyebrows before taking a drink. I took the opportunity to ask Jeremy about his plans with Chloe the next weekend. While my mom isn’t a huge fan of Chloe’s, she knows Jeremy is so she won’t say anything derogatory about her.