Swing and a Kiss: Carolina Waves Series Book 4 Read online

Page 23

  “You coming to dinner?” Jack asked.

  I turned to look at him as I slipped into my shirt and buttoned it.

  “No, but thanks.”

  He leaned against the locker, put his hands in his pockets, and just stared at me.

  “Did you draw the short straw and get stuck having to talk to me?” I asked.

  “Something like that,” he said, not moving or changing position. “I’ve been where you’re at. Not for the same reason, but if you’ll remember, Hannah told me she wanted a break and I felt like someone stuck a fist into my chest and ripped my heart out.”

  “So then you understand.”

  “I do.”

  I put on my shoes, stood, and looked him in the eye.

  “It just sucks the big hairy meatball.”

  The corner of his mouth kicked up.

  “Yeah it does,” he said. “Is she still coming up when we get back?”

  Tomorrow is our last night in Texas and then we head out to the west coast. Hannah and Jeremy are supposed to be coming to Myrtle Beach when I get there for the nine-day home stretch.

  “She hasn’t canceled their plane reservations or told Jeremy about our break, so that gives me a spark of hope,” I said. “I just spoke to him last night. He sent me game video of him throwing the circle change I showed him and said he’s excited about the trip. I can’t imagine she’d disappoint him at the last minute. But at this point, I don’t know.”

  “Why don’t you come out to dinner? You know we can handle your pissy mood and it’s better than sitting alone in your room and obsessing about it.”

  Jack followed when I started walking toward the door.

  “Thanks but I’m beat. I’ll probably fall right to sleep.”

  He didn’t look convinced, but didn’t push. Like he said, he’s been there.

  Dan stood just inside the door leading out to the parking lot talking on the phone. He looked at Jack, who shook his head, then said something else and ended the call.

  “You know how to reach us if you need us.”

  I followed them outside, the heavy door slammed behind us.

  They said goodbye and hopped into the car that had been idling at the curb.

  I opened my app and requested my own car.

  For the millionth time, I brought up Karen’s name on my phone and thought about calling her, or at least texting. But she asked for space and I promised I’d give it to her.

  Still, maybe a text just to let her know I’m thinking of her would be okay.

  I don’t know.

  My car pulled up and I got into the back seat. The driver confirmed my destination then drove through the parking lot and out onto the road. Resting my head back, I looked up at the pattern on the headliner thinking about this situation with Karen.

  I understand her need to take some time but it really is driving me nuts. As we merged onto the highway, I looked out the window, seeing my miserable reflection in the glass. Looking at my phone again, I brought up Karen’s name and before I could second-guess myself typed a message.

  Just wanted you to know that I’m thinking of you. I miss you and love you. xoxo

  Some of the tension left my shoulders as I hit send. It makes me feel better to have some sort of communication with her.

  I held my phone in my hand. If she messages back, I don’t want to miss it.

  Out of nowhere, bright lights stabbed my eyes and I looked out the window to see their source.

  “Shit!” I heard from the front seat as the driver echoed my thoughts. “Hold on.”

  He swerved to the right, but couldn’t get out of the way of the car that had hopped the barrier from the other side of the highway and was coming right at us.

  I heard a loud crash and felt my head slam against the window then everything went black.


  * * *

  I looked at Dale’s text for the hundredth time in the past half hour, trying to decide if I should message him back. It’s been a week since we’ve spoken and I’ll admit, it’s been awful. If it wasn’t for Jeremy, I probably would have spent all seven days wallowing in bed.

  He has no idea that we’ve taken a break. If things end up working out, it’s no use upsetting him over nothing. And if they don’t...well, then he’ll find out later.

  My mother has been chattering in my ear, leaving the “I told you so” unsaid but I’ve heard it loud and clear. The stories have been limited to small internet sites and media local to Myrtle Beach but since she set up a Google alert on Dale, she saw every one of them. She even came back down to Clearwater to “support” me through this.

  If anything, her interference has made me want to run back to Dale. I’ve missed him so much and maybe I’m a fool, but I believe everything he’s told me. I just want to take the time I asked for to make sure I can handle it if it happens again.

  Rolling over, I plugged in my phone and placed it on the nightstand. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV and clicked on The Office, picking up the series where I’d left off last night. Ironically, the episode playing is the one Dale told me is his favorite. Andy had just punched a hole in the wall when my phone rang.

  Shifting over, I picked it up and saw Hannah’s number on the screen. I thought I would have heard from her before now, pleading Dale’s case. She’s supposedly trying to find the source of the articles, but since I’ve broken contact, I haven’t heard if that’s happened.

  But if she was calling to discuss either of those things, she probably wouldn’t have waited until nearly midnight.

  “Hi Hannah,” I said.


  I sat up and whipped the blankets off.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Dale’s been in a car accident.”

  “Oh my God!”

  I jumped out of bed and started running around the room, grabbing clothes.

  “Relax, he’s at the hospital and in stable condition. They’re running tests to rule out internal injuries.”

  “I have to see him,” I said then put the phone on speaker and dropped it onto the bed. After ripping off Dale’s Waves T-shirt, I put on my bra and pulled on my own shirt. “Can you text me his details? I need to go see him.”

  “Karen, I know how upsetting this is for you but you have to try to relax. You don’t want to get into an accident rushing off.”

  Her calm words slowed down my manic behavior. I sat on the bed and dragged my hands through my hair.

  “Okay,” I said. “I’m okay now.”

  “I have you booked on the first flight to Houston in the morning. A car will pick you up at seven and another one will meet you at the airport and take you to the hospital to see Dale. I didn’t think you’d want to take Jeremy, but I can add him if you decide you want to.”

  “No I’d better go myself. And thank you Hannah. For calling, calming me down, and booking the arrangements.”

  “He’s going to be okay, Karen. It’s not like—” She paused. “Let me know when you get there, okay?”

  “I will, and thanks again.”

  As soon as we hung up, I called my mother.

  “Hello.” Her sleepy voice answered on the second ring.

  “Mom, I’m sorry to call so late, but I need a favor. Could you come over around six-thirty in the morning and stay with Jeremy for a couple days?”

  “Is everything all right?”

  “Dale was in a car accident. He’s in the hospital in Houston and I’m going to see him.”

  “But I thought—”

  “Mom, we were just taking some time apart. We didn’t break up. I love him and I want to be with him,” I said. “If you can’t stay with Jeremy, I’ll take him with me.”

  “No, I can come over.” She paused. “I just want you to be happy Karen.”

  “I know Mom and thank you. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Chapter 33


  * * *

  The flight took just a little over two hou
rs but I shifted and fidgeted in my seat the entire time. I felt sorry for the woman sitting next to me.

  I’m doing the same thing in the car but at least I’m by myself. I sent Hannah a quick text to let her know I landed and am on my way to the hospital.

  I’d only managed to sleep a couple hours last night, and I’m surprised I got that much. For hours, every time I closed my eyes, I pictured Dale hurt so I fought to keep them open. But I drifted off at some point and woke to my buzzing alarm.

  I got dressed, packed a bag, and waited until the last minute to tell Jeremy what’s going on. He asked to come but I reassured him that Dale is all right and there was no reason for him to miss baseball. He was asleep again by the time my mom got to the house.

  Thankfully she didn’t lecture me before I left. She actually seemed more concerned about me considering my late husband died in a car accident and now the man I love was just in one.

  We only had a few minutes before the car arrived but I explained everything to her one last time. I even included what Chloe said about Monica Blair opening her own firm and that she’s probably looking to drum up media attention.

  She didn’t seem totally convinced but told me she’d support me in whatever I decide to do. Since I was rushing off to Houston to see Dale, I think that’s pretty obvious.

  Finally we pulled up to the hospital. I was out of the car before the driver got out to open my door. I thanked him, hiked my bag over my shoulder, and ran through the sliding doors.

  Hannah had given me his room number and assured me no one would stop me from seeing him even though we’re not family.

  I followed the signs to the elevator and thankfully one came almost immediately. The short ride to the third floor seemed to take forever and the doors were barely open when I ran out and down the hallway.

  After turning the wrong way, I righted my direction and slowed in the busier space. A man was exiting the room as I approached.

  “Can I help you?”

  “I’m here to see Dale.” I looked over his shoulder as though I’d be able to see through the door. “My name is Karen.”

  He narrowed his eyes and studied me then smiled and reached out his hand to shake mine.

  “So you’re the famous Karen,” he said. “I’m Travis Pearce, Dale’s agent.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.” I glanced at the door again. “Can I see him?”

  “I think he’d fire me if I kept you away any longer.”

  He reached behind him and opened the door then stepped aside so I could enter.

  “See you later, buddy,” he said and walked away.

  Dale’s gaze never left mine as I slowly walked into the room. The whole right side of his face is bruised and he has a bandage over his eye. But he’s alive and breathing and I want to launch myself at him. I just don’t want to hurt him.

  Standing at the side of the bed, I blinked back tears.

  “I’m so happy you’re okay.”

  Placing my hand over my mouth, I covered a sob.

  “Oh baby, don’t cry.”

  He held out his left hand and I went to that side of the bed and sat next to him.

  “I was so worried.”

  “How’d you find out?”

  “Hannah called me. Didn’t she tell you?”

  “No I haven’t spoken to her. My phone was crushed in the accident.”

  “How did she find out then?”

  “The car service let someone in the organization know. They called Travis and obviously Hannah called you. The only person I was able to talk to was Penny.”

  “Is she coming?”

  “I told her not to. She’s at camp now and I’m banged up but I’ll be out of here tomorrow if not later tonight. By the time she got permission to leave, I’ll be on my way home.” He studied my face then met my gaze again. “I’m so glad you’re here. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I’ve missed you too. I’m so sorry.”

  I wiped away the tears that had escaped.

  “Don’t be sorry. You’re here now and that’s all that matters.”

  He pulled me closer for a kiss but I stopped before our lips touched.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” I said.

  “Right now, not touching you hurts.”

  I pressed my mouth to his carefully making sure to keep my hands off his chest and splinted wrist. He groaned and wrapped his hand around the back of my head, holding me in place when I started to pull back. Moving his mouth back and forth over mine, he kissed me slow and sweet.

  We pulled apart like guilty children when a nurse walked into the room.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” she said. “I just want to check your vitals and change that bandage.”

  Dale held on to my hand when I stood. The nurse smiled.

  “I’m guessing you don’t want me to ask her to leave,” she said.

  Dale kissed my hand. “Absolutely not.”

  She nodded and wrapped her hand around his wrist to check his pulse.

  “Is there any word on the driver?” he asked her.

  “I can’t tell you anything other than he’s in stable condition. But I’ll tell his nurse to let him know you’re asking about him.”

  She finished her physical assessment and reached up to remove the bandage over his right eye. I cringed when I saw the stitches and the full extent of the bruising. After disappearing into the bathroom, she returned with a basin of soapy water.

  “You’re very lucky you weren’t sitting on the other side of the car.” She wet a piece of gauze and pressed it over the stitches, cleaning away the dried blood.

  “I know. My agent showed me the pictures. It looks like the back half of the driver’s side took most of the impact.”

  She dried off the stitches, applied an ointment, then covered them with another piece of gauze, securing it in place with tape.

  “Do you think I’ll be released today?” he asked.

  “That depends on what the rest of the tests say. You have a concussion but as long as you have someone to keep an eye on you, you’ll be okay to go.” She glanced at me and smiled again. “And I’m assuming you do.”

  “Absolutely,” I said.

  “It looks like you’re in good hands here,” she said. “I’ll see what’s holding up those results.


  * * *

  Thankfully all my tests came back negative and other than the concussion and a sprained wrist, I received a clean bill of health. The doctor released me around dinner time and Karen and I took a car to my hotel.

  She kept fussing and seemed afraid to touch me but I guess that’s to be expected. I know I look like shit and I also know it’s gonna be even worse tomorrow. But no amount of pain or bruising will stop me from wanting to hold her and have her touch me.

  We ordered room service and after eating, I made use of the new phone Hannah had sent to the hotel to make some calls. Penny and Jeremy were at the top of my list and I also texted the guys to let them know I was released and that I have a phone. Then I called Hannah and thanked her for said phone as well as for calling Karen and getting her by my side.

  After all that was done, I pulled Karen against me on the bed and switched on the game.

  The announcers talked about my accident and wished me well. Theo Bowman will be playing first for the next couple weeks. He’s a utility player who can pretty much fill in anywhere on the field, aside from pitcher and catcher. His bat isn’t great but he’s strong defensively.

  As if reading my mind, Karen asked, “How long will you be out?”

  “Ten days, maybe two weeks.” She shifted back to look at me. “What?”

  “You just look so awful. I can’t imagine you playing again so soon.”

  “Awful? Gee thanks.”

  She laughed at that.

  “Those bruises look so painful and all those little cuts must hurt like hell.” She kissed my cheek. “But your face is still as handsome as ever. And you know you’ll probably have a
scar on your forehead that’s just going to up your sexiness factor even more. The girls won’t be able to resist you.”

  I know she’s being playful, but I need to know that she understands that none of that matters.

  “Hey, are we okay?”

  She blinked and her smile slowly faded, then she nodded.

  “Yeah, we’re okay.”

  “I need you to look me in the eye and tell me that you know none of that stuff printed about Monica Blair and me is true.”

  “I know,” she said. “It’s not that I totally believed the stories but I needed to process everything and make sure I could deal with it all.”


  “I’m here, aren’t I?” She kissed my chest before meeting my gaze again. “Dale, I trust you and I promise you that I’m here for the long haul. We were only apart a week and I missed you so much I physically hurt.”

  “It was horrible.” I pulled her close for a quick kiss. “Hopefully by the time my stint on the IL is over, my teammates will forget what an insufferable shit I was while we were apart.” That made her giggle. “You think I’m kidding?”

  “Well I’m here and I’m not going anywhere again.”

  I pulled her back against my chest and held her tight thanking the universe for bringing this woman into my life.

  Chapter 34


  * * *

  A month has passed since Dale’s car accident and he’s back on the field, playing as good as ever. Two days after he got out of the hospital, we flew back to Clearwater and he spent most of his time on the IL there with Jeremy and me. He returned to Myrtle Beach and after being cleared, joined the team in New York.

  The team is heading back home after the game tonight for a seven-day stretch and Jeremy and I are traveling up again to be with Dale.

  We’re about halfway through the flight and Jeremy pulled out his earbuds and looked over at me.

  “Mom, if you and Monte get married, will we be moving up here?”

  I shifted in my seat to look at him.